Event Disentis Sedrun

fiug e flomma - Night spectacle - Demo show

fiug e flomma - Nachtspektakel - Demoshow (gdl_779133255_image)
Demo show with the snowsport schools of Surselva, organized by the snowsport school Disentis


28.02.2025 von 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Free of charge
Bergbahnen Disentis AG

An exciting event is coming up in Caischavedra: fiug e flomma! Organized by the Snowsport School Disentis. This is your opportunity to see the demonstration of the ski instructors from Surselva, who will perform in demo team, show spectacular acrobatic jumps and much more. An evening for young and old, with rousing music, delicious food and endless spas. This is an exceptional demonstration of skiing skills and a festive atmosphere that will delight everyone.

Mountain rides 19:00/19:15/19:30 and 19:45.
Demo show: 20:00 until about 21:00
Downhill rides: from 21:15

Price: free rides with the cable car

Spaghetti fun in Caischavedra from 5.30 p.m.: bookings under +41 81 929 54 53

Contact: info@catrina.swiss or info@sssd.ch


Bergbahnen Disentis AG

Via Acletta 2, 7180 Disentis / Mustér

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