Leisure/Service Bergün Filisur
Energieweg 08: Eisschmelze und dreiste Hirten

You can see what it looked like here around 1900 in the picture. Since the beginning of industrialization in the 19th century, the burning of fossil fuels has steadily increased. The climate in the Alpine region has warmed by around 1.5 degrees. You can clearly see the consequences: the Porchabella glacier has become shorter by 1.5 kilometres. In 50 years, according to today's climate scenarios, it will consist only of puny ice remnants. In the video you will find pictures of the glacier retreat, which is measured annually by the Office for Forests of the Grisons.
You too can make a contribution to slowing down global warming. By spending holidays close to nature in Parc Ela, you have already taken a step in the right direction.
Now you have heard a great deal about energy. Now find a cozy spot on the terrace, enjoy the beautiful view and recharge your batteries. In the audio report, you can hear an excerpt from the Porchabella saga in Bargunsegner, the Rhaeto-Romanic dialect from Bergün, which only a few people can still speak. The translation can be found below, the audio file can be found at the back of the pictures.
The Porchabella Saga
Once upon a time there was a magnificent pig pasture down there in the plain. The shepherds let the sun shine on their bellies, took aim at their fellow citizens and mocked God. So he sent several angels to test the good nature and helpfulness of the shepherds in various ways. But the shepherds' hearts remained hard. So God sent Jesus, who asked for a piece of bread. The shepherds only laughed and gave him a stone - he could change it. Then it began to crash and rumble in the surrounding peaks. The valley was shrouded in fog and the alp turned into a huge sea of ice. And even today, you can still hear a muffled laugh from the depths of the glacier from time to time.
Audio Guide
Energieweg 08: Eisschmelze und dreiste Hirten
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