E-Bike St. Margrethenberg

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On the former access road to Valens, which is closed to motorized traffic, the easy tour masters the first ascent to the imposing Tamina Bridge. The crossing of this arched bridge with its 270 m span gives a clear view into the depths of the Tamina Gorge and gives an idea of the Old Bad Pfäfers, the oldest baroque bath in Switzerland, far below. In Pfäfers, a visit to the baroque monastery church beckons, before the strict connecting section to the St. Margrethenberg plateau rises from Ragol with a view of the opposite side of the valley. From this quiet and lonely scattered settlement , it is worth taking a detour on foot to the 1478-metre-high Pizalun, which promises a magnificent view over the villages and fields of the Rhine and Seez valleys. The rapid descent takes place over easy hiking trails, gravel and tarred roads back to the Tamina Therme Bad Ragaz.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Bad Ragaz can be reached by public transport in just over an hour from St. Gallen and Zurich. The train station is a 15-minute walk from the Tamina Therme. The Postbus stops directly in front of the Tamina Therme.
SBB timetable , please click here
Anreise Information
The Tamina Therme Bad Ragaz are only an hour's drive from St. Gallen and Zurich and 30 minutes from Feldkirch. Use the motorway exit Maienfeld and follow the signs or Google Maps: Tamina Therme on Google Maps .
Public parking available in the multi-storey car park of the Tamina Therme (for a fee).
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