Info Point Viamala
Von Dämmen und Sperren

So something had to be done to avert the impending catastrophe.
But it was not until the Nolla dammed the Rhine again in 1868 up to twelve meters and put the project of the century of the Domleschger Rhine correction in danger, the matter was finally taken to hand. From 1870 to 1910, 20 main barriers, 46 smaller barriers and three barrier dams were built, which cost more than one million francs, financed by the affected communities, the canton and the Confederation.
Now the Nolla was able to repay its damage caused over centuries: its nutrient-rich sediment was still directed to the newly recovered fields on the Rhine plain by means of a canal system until the end of the 20th century. Even today, the Nolla construction is regarded as an exemplary engineering achievement in the field of hydrological protective structures.
Von Dämmen und Sperren
beim Nolla-Wehr, 7430 Thusis
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