Church Engadin St. Moritz

Church of Saint Mary


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The Burial Church of Santa Maria is one of the most precious sacred buildings in the Canton of Graubünden. It contains valuable 13th century mediaeval frescoes with high-quality Byzantine-Romanesque fragments and an informative Lombardian cycle dating from 1495. After an extension was made in 1495, the church was completely repainted, covering up the old frescoes. On the west wall and tower, a Maria Magdalena cycle consisting of 18 frescoes was uncovered between 1962 and 1976. The Church of Sta. Maria – now the Pontresina funeral chapel – is owned by the political community of Pontresina. Services are also held here. The little church is also very popular for marriage ceremonies, attracting couples from around the world.

Guided tours in winter:
Mid-December to mid-April
Dec-Jan 3.30pm / Feb-Apr 4.30pm

Guided tours in summer:
June - October at 5:00pm

Registration required, limited number of partecipants

Registration: Kirchenführung Sta. Maria Pontresina | Engadin St. Moritz, Schweiz

• Direction: local church guides
• Meeting point: in front of the Sta. Maria church
• Durations: 30 minutes
• Cost: free of charge. Private tours on request 


open: from 24.06.2024 to 18.10.2024
Monday to Friday 3:30 - 5:30 pm


Church of Saint Mary

Via Giarsun 58, 7504 Pontresina

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