Chapel Surselva

Chapel of St. James / S. Giacun, Brigels

Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Jakob vom Eingang aus in Winterstimmung
Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle von St. Jakob von der Strasse aus

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Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Jakob von Innen
To the west of the village, with a baroque altar by the great Valais artist Jodok Ritz, is the graceful chapel dedicated to St. James the Elder.


History: The chapel was built in 1514 and consecrated on June 16, 1515. It was extended to the west in 1697.

Description of the building: The chapel is an ogee-shaped building closed on three sides without an architecturally separate chancel. A two-light lancet window with simple, late Gothic tracery. A walled oculus in the end wall. In the south side a niche with Gothic chamfer. Tuff door frame with Gothic chamfers. Uniformly shingled gabled roof with open ridge turret under an octagonal pointed helmet.

Wall paintings: A crucifixion group on the north wall of the older part. All the paintings in this chapel date from around 1514.

Furnishings: Simple, two-column early Baroque altar. Altarpiece with St. James, signed around 1681. The ornamentation represents the transition from Régence to Rococo, around 1750.

Bell: without inscription; 1515.

(Text recorded by: Regiun Surselva)


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