Event Engadin St. Moritz

Chalandamarz in La Punt

Traditional Chalandamarz procession through the village.


01.03.2025 von 04:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Village Square, La Punt Chamues-ch, 7522, Switzerland

March 1 is Chalandamarz, the festival of the expulsion of winter. Dressed in bright blue robes, boys and girls go from house to house singing traditional songs. During the procession, the large cowbells, the "Plumpas", with which the children drive away the winter spirits in the best Schellenursli manner, are not to be missed. Spring can hardly begin more beautifully. The Chalandamarz is opened at 04.00 o´clock with whip-cracking and the ringing of bells in the village. The parade starts at 06.00 o´clock on the village square in Chamues-ch. During the procession the children collect money for the Balin (Chalandamarz ball) and sweets, as a snack for the long day.

The parade passes through the following neighborhoods and streets: Suot Röven / Gulas / Chüderas / Curtins / Via Cumünela / Sur Ovas / Seglias / Arvins / Alvra Sur.

Chers salüds dals patruns/patrunas e chavals


Village Square, La Punt Chamues-ch, 7522, Switzerland

Dorfplatz, 7522 La Punt Chamues-ch

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