Ruin Heidiland

Burgruine Klingenhorn Wynegg, Malans

Burgruine Klingenhorn Wynegg, Malans
Burgruine Klingenhorn Wynegg, Malans


The castle hill is separated from the mountainside by a perhaps artificially enlarged neck ditch. The tower has been preserved up to a height of three storeys, the top part is in poor structural condition and overgrown with undergrowth. Individual traces of Rasa-Pietra plaster with joint stroke are recognizable. Traces of plaster and beams have also been preserved inside the tower, from which the height of the floors can be read. The interior of the tower is covered with rubble and undergrowth.
A embrasure window on the first floor was broken out to form a narrow entrance into the tower. On the second floor, the high entrance was walled up, next to it there are two chimneys and a narrow gap. The determination of the opening in the wall on the third floor is no longer recognizable. To the west, the walls of an outbuilding have been preserved. The Bering remnants mentioned by Clavadetscher/Meyer are hardly recognizable. On the north side, beam holes indicate other buildings. To the west, on a lower terrace, there was a wide outer bailey.


Burgruine Klingenhorn Wynegg, Malans

Am Platz 1, 7208 Malans

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