Castle Bergün Filisur

Burgruine Greifenstein in Filisur

Burgruine Greifenstein in Filisur
Burgruine Greifenstein in Filisur
The ruins of Greifenstein Castle are perched on a rugged rock above the first helical tunnel of the Rhaetian Railway above Filisur at 1,246 m above sea level.


The castle was probably built in the 12th century. It was the centre of the lordship of Greifenstein with the villages of Filisur, Bergün, Latsch and Stugl/Stuls. From the end of the 14th century until 1537, the castle was the regional administrative centre of the Bishop of Chur. The episcopal bailiffs gave the population more and more rights until they bought their freedom in 1537. After that, the castle was no longer inhabited. In 1840, beams and carved stones were used for the construction of the school in Filisur.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel



Burgruine Greifenstein in Filisur

Stradung 11, Im Bahnhof, 7450 Tiefencastel

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