Snow Park Arosa Lenzerheide

Beginner/Children's Land

Schlittelweg Gondelbahn Kulm
Beginner/children's area for the youngsters on the Kulmwiese.


Easy, barrier-free, lively access to snow and snow sports is at the forefront of the overall concept of the Tschuggen Snow Sports World of Experience, which Arosa Bergbahnen AG initiated in 2016. After Honigland, the first public and free entry island to snow sports, opened in December 2017, another public beginners'/children's area will be available in the Kulmwiese in Innerarosa from Christmas 2021. In the course of the total revision of the Arosa local planning, the municipality of Arosa has concluded an agreement with the landowners of the Kulmwiese for a test operation in winter 2021/2022.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

The Rhaetian Railway runs every hour from Chur to Arosa (also in the opposite direction).

From Arosa station you can take the bus to Innerarosa. Click here for the timetable.


From Chur along the winding Arosastrasse to the end of the valley to Arosa.


At the entrance to the village there is a large signposting with the various parking facilities. We recommend the Obersee car park. You can find further information under Arosa Parking.


Beginner/Children's Land

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