Event Prättigau

Basic course soap making - cold-stirred natural soap

Discover the creative world of natural soap and its production. Of course, you can also make your own natural soap under supervision.


22.09.2024 von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
20.10.2024 von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Course fee: Fr. 290.00 (Fr. 170.00 course fee plus Fr. 120.00 material costs)
incl. 1 kg of natural soap per person, course materials, drinks, snacks and a small lunch
Our course schedule:
We start with the theory part, so that you are well prepared for part 2.
Before we switch to the practical part, we have lunch together and freshly strengthened we go to the soap boiling.
Soap Garden - Karin Jost

The instructions on how to make a soap from a to z
Meals are included
You will get at least 1 kilo of soap sent home after the rest period.
You will learn where the raw materials come from
Chemistry, what is a soap anyway. What are the differences between liquid soap and natural soap?
You will learn how to calculate the soap by hand and how to create a recipe.
Behind-the-scenes insight
What regulations exist and where can you find more information about them
If something goes wrong in the soap-making process, I'll show you how to save your soap with various tools.
You will learn from me how you can make your own soap at any time


Soap Garden - Karin Jost

Hauptstrasse 82, 7233 Jenaz

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