Restaurant Prättigau
Bardills Wanderwegbeizli

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About halfway through the nature trail is the self-service Beizli Bardill hiking trail. The Beizli can accommodate about 10-15 people, outside on the terrace another 20-25 people. The playground is welcome to be used and sanitary facilities are available. It has various cold drinks, coffee, tea, glacè but above all sorts of homemade delicacies!
In winter, the Beizli can be reached on foot via the snowshoe trail no. 13 or from the Postbus stop Gadenstätt.
Family Bardill
Heldstabestrasse 12,7244
open daily: 9.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Take the Rhaetian Railway rhb to Schiers or Küblis and take the postbus in the direction of St. Antönien to the stop "Gadenstätt".
On the A13 and A28 to Küblis, then turn left through the underpass towards Luzein, Pany, St. Antönien.
Bardills Wanderwegbeizli
Heldstabestrasse 12, 7243 Pany
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