Castle Viamala

Baldenstein Castle

Schloss Baldenstein
A "bold and daring" castle on the steep banks of the Albula: Baldenstein Castle in Sils i.D. has a long and chequered history.


Baldenstein Castle, which translates from Middle High German as "bold and daring castle", lives up to its name. Although the origins of the castle cannot be traced exactly, the castle tower can be dated to the 12th century. In 1246, Ebo de Baldenstein appears in the documents for the first time as the lord of the castle.

In a feud between the barons of Rhäzüns and those of Löwenstein, who were related to the well-known Oberland family of Castelberg/Überkastel, Baldenstein was captured by the Rhäzünsers in a coup d'état, but had to be returned in the peace treaty of 1289.

Around the middle of the 16th century, the nobleman Jakob Ruinelli from Valtellina acquired the castle. His grandson of the same name belonged to the society of the "good-hearted" during the Grisons turmoil, who killed Pompejus von Planta at Rietberg Castle in 1621 under the leadership of Georg Jenatsch. After the last Ruinelli of Baldenstein was stabbed to death by Jörg Jenatsch in 1627 as a participant in a brawl between wine-swilling officers, the seat passed to Colonel Christoph Rosenroll of Thusis through the marriage of Ruinelli's sister Perpetua, whose son passed it on to a branch of the family of the same name, which died out in 1758.

The sister of the last Rosenroll von Baldenstein then sold the castle by marriage in 1716 to Vincenz von Salis, a captain in Spanish service, whose son sold it to Francesco Conrado from Chiavenna in 1782. The descendants of this Conrado still live in and look after their family estate today. The family's genealogy includes a number of important personalities, of whom only the ornithologist Thomas Conrad, who achieved European renown as the founder of Alpine and Grisons ornithology, should be mentioned here.

The Conrad family residence took on its current appearance when it was rebuilt after the fire of 1877, which destroyed large parts of the castle. The pyramid roof on the keep was built in 1999. Inside, the large hall on the ground floor still impresses today with its festive appearance, which it owes to its neat stucco work and ceiling paintings in which the sun, moon and signs of the zodiac appear alongside ancient deities as personifications of the four elements and other allegorical figures.


Baldenstein is privately owned and not open to the public. The complex is located directly on the Domleschg Castle Trail.


Baldenstein Castle

Gemeinde Sils i.D., 7411 Sils i.D.

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