Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Bacharia Alpina – the alpine meat craft

A voyage of discovery into the centuries-old alpine dried meat craft


10.09.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
17.09.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
24.09.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
01.10.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
08.10.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
15.10.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
22.10.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
29.10.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
05.11.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
12.11.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
19.11.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
26.11.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr
Adult: 15.00 CHF
Kinder 0-12 Jahre: 0.00 CHF
Scuol, 7550, Switzerland

A journey of discovery into the centuries-old alpine dried meat craft of the Bacharia Engiadinaisa. Tasting of Bündner and deer dried meat and salsiz with a glass of wine in the "laboratori dal gust". Followed by a tour of the rock cellar and information on meat maturation in the cellar.
Meeting point: Scuol, Stradun, Bacharia Hatecke in the Center Augustin Duration: approx. 45 minutes Number of participants: min. 6 to max. 20 persons

Tasting of Bündner as well as deer dry meat and salsiz with a glass of wine in the "laboratori dal gust".

If the tour does not take place, you will be contacted by Guest Information Scuol by 10:00 am on the day of the event. The ticket price will then be refunded automatically.


Scuol, 7550, Switzerland

7550 Scuol

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