Gallery Engadin St. Moritz

Atelier Hildegard Schenk


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Changing exhibitions with works by artists and craftspeople


The Hildegard Schenk workshop is a gallery, workshop and event space. Changing exhibitions show works by artists and craftspeople who have previously created some of these works in the workshop.

visions in thread Textile works by the Milanese artist Livia Sciorilli Borrelli At two locations - Kilchberg and Zuoz - we present the textile works of the Milan-based artist Livia Sciorilli Borrelli. Milan-based artist Livia Sciorilli Borrelli. The crocheted, mostly abstract works vary in size and feature rectangles and lines rectangles and lines, including rounded shapes that fit together as if by magic. The harmonious combination of colours together with overlapping and juxtaposed areas of colour create harmonious works of art of unique quality


Summer: 01 July 14 - 14 09 14
Friday - Sunday 2.00pm - 5.00pm


On demand


Atelier Hildegard Schenk

Via Dorta 23, 7524 Zuoz

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