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Archiv cultural, Sumvitg

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The cultural archive Sumvitg in the schoolhouse in Surrein documents the history of the municipality of Sumvitg by means of text, image, sound and object.
The focus is on historical documents such as manuscripts, photographs, films, genealogies. The archive also includes a library on Romance literature, school books, religious books, history, community documentation and periodicals.
Plays, devotional pictures, purchase and sale contracts, protocols of associations, alpine cooperatives, etc., many photos, photo collection by Felix Huonder, estates of Prof. Paul Tomaschett and Father Clau Lombriser, writings by the writer Theo Candinas and the Rabius poet Maria Beer, enrich the cultural archive and form a cultural and historical Fundgrube.Im cultural archive there are also some museum objects: a mortar, objects of the old school, a rifle and a bayonet of the first policemen in the canton, objects of cultivated popular piety in the community, various cameras, White Sunday as well as ancient planers and threshing flails.
For groups on request
Archiv cultural, Sumvitg
Via Encarden 3, 7173 Surrein
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