Store Viamala

Alpprodukte Curtginatsch

Alpprodukte Curtginatsch

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Alpine cheese and alpine butter from Alp Cutginatsch

The alpine cheese and butter produced here in the summer months consist exclusively of milk that comes 100% from the Beverin Nature Park.


Alpine cheese and alpine butter from Alp Cutginatsch On the highest alp in the canton of Graubünden, 100 to 120 cows are summered every summer. The alpine cheese and butter produced here in the summer months consist exclusively of milk that comes 100% from the Beverin Nature Park. Alpine cheese and alpine butter thus meet the requirements of the Mountain and Alpine Ordinance as well as the requirements for a Nature Park Product.
The "Swiss Parks" product label distinguishes specialities from the park area that are produced and processed there. These products thus promote the regional economy and their sustainable production contributes to the preservation of the cultural landscapes in the parks. The cheese is best kept in an oilcloth in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can cut the cheese wheel into smaller pieces, vacuum seal them and then store them in the refrigerator or cellar at 5-10 degrees Celsius. This way, the cheese will keep for at least 10 weeks.


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