Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

A journey through time - guided tour of the village of Ardez


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Guided tour of the village of Ardez: exciting facts about the history, the houses and life in this typical Engadin village. Ardez, Hotel Schorta's Alvetern.


27.06.2024 bis 17.10.2024 von 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr
am Donnerstag
30.06.2024 bis 13.10.2024 von 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr
am Sonntag
Adults 12.00 (without GK 17.00),
Children free of charge
Schorta's Hotel Alvetern

On the tour through the most beautiful village in the Engadin - selected in 1975 as a model village for heritage protection and preservation - participants learn exciting and interesting facts about the history, houses and life in Ardez

Meeting point: Ardez, Hotel and Restaurant Schorta's Alvetern, 16:30 - 18:00
Registration not required, further guided tours on request from Walter Schmid, Tel +41 81 862 23 14.


Schorta's Hotel Alvetern

Arfusch 171, 7546 Ardez

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