Event Chur

6th Chur Organ Concert 2024

Women's choir fémina's. Johanna Heim, soprano; Stephan Thomas, organ. Free admission, collection


27.10.2024 um 17:30 Uhr
St. Martin's Church

Women's Choir fémina's
Johanna Heim, soprano
Stephan Thomas, organ

A group of women who are enthusiastic about singing made a virtue out of the necessity that there is a lack of male voices in many mixed choirs. Without further ado, they founded a women's choir - the ensemble fémina's was born. A conductor was also quickly found in Andrés Alonso Heredia. Under his leadership, fémina's was also able to envisage larger projects. The most recent is the Messe brève by the French composer Léo Delibes, who is otherwise best known for his ballets. The program is complemented by sacred songs from the Delibes period, sung by the soprano Johanna Heim. The accompanist on the organ is house organist Stephan Thomas.

Admission is free, a collection will be charged.


St. Martin's Church

St. Martinsplatz 10, 7000 Chur

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