35 Walserweg

321.6 km
111:30 h
18673 Hm
18138 Hm
Camaner Hütta
Heimatmuseum Camanaboden im Safiental

6 Bilder anzeigen

Kirche in Cresta, Avers
The Walserweg Graubünden follows the tracks of the Walsers in the high valleys of Graubunden in 19 one-day stages (total 300 km). The route leads along historic trails through breathtaking nature and intact cultivated landscapes. Hikers gain insights into the culture and history of the Walser folk.
Technik 3/6
Kondition 4/6
Höchster Punkt  2838 m
Tiefster Punkt  668 m
Beste Jahreszeit
San Bernardino
Brand (AT)
46.462262, 9.192058



The trail begins in the village of San Bernardino. In 1270 the first settlers crossed the pass of the same name from the Valais and settled in Rheinwald. The impressive houses in Hinterrhein, Nufenen and Splügen are a reminder of the days of trading with mule-trains. The Splügenpass, the Safierberg, Passo del S. Bernardino and the Valserberg were important north-south links. The route leads through historic cultivated landscapes and typical scattered Walser settlements. Hiking time for each stage is between 4.5 and 7 hours. But there is plenty of time to enjoy and explore the beautiful landscape. Alpine crossings link the high valleys, along the way the hiker meets clear mountain lakes and high, protected moorlands. The route leads through species-rich Alpine meadows and shady stone pine and larch forests. These impressive natural environments alternate with evidence of Walser pastures and mountain farming. Typical slanted wooden fences, Walser houses burned brown by the sun, log-cabin-style barns and regional building variations such as steeply-pitched roofs in Vals and wood-shingle roofs in the Safiental valley add to the appeal of this long-distance trail.

A friendly evening meal with local people is a pleasant way to round off each one-day stage. Whether in a village still typifying Walser culture, such as Safien, Avers, St. Antönien or Langwies or in a major Walser tourism centre such as Davos, Klosters or Arosa.

The route comprises 19 sections, which are also ideal for day excursions.


More information: www.walserweg.ch


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

To San Bernardino.

By train:
From Zurich to Chur (Coira), change here to Thusis. From Thusis by PostAuto to San Bernardino, http://www.sbb.ch

Anreise Information

To San Bernardino
By train:
From Zurich to Chur. Change to Thusis. From Thusis by PostBus to San Bernardino, http://www.sbb.ch

By car
A13 to Thusis. Park your car there and take the PostBus to San Bernardino.

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