Chapel Surselva

Wegstock bei Losisboden, Obersaxen

Kapelle Bruder Klaus, Obersaxen
Kapelle Bruder Klaus, Obersaxen

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Kapelle Bruder Klaus, Obersaxen

The small chapel is located on the main road between Chummenbühl and Meierhof. Two red benches invite you to linger with a wonderful panorama.


The Catholic brother Klaus Wegstock is located at the "Holiacht" in the "Undar Heboort", about 200 m west of the Lorischboden and about 800 m northeast of the parish of Meierhof on the road between Affeier and Meierhof.
The small shrine was built before 1742 as a cross chapel. Nothing is known about the chapel history of the following 200 years. It was renovated in 1949 by painter Alois Carigiet (1902-1988), who spent ten years of his life in Platenga. The chapel received a shingle roof made of larch wood donated by Otto Morger. The iron lattice door of the chapel was once the cemetery door of Meierhof and was forged by master blacksmith Georg Sax for the chapel. The artist Alois Carigiet painted the small church. On September 25, 1949, the inauguration took place in honor of Brother Klaus (1417-1487), farmer, alderman, judge and envoy to the Diet, from 1467 hermit. Brother Klaus was canonized in 1947. On the occasion of the renovation in 2002, the chapel received a new roof.
The one-room chapel faces southeast. It is flat closed and opens to the street with a large arch. The wayside chapel is covered with a transverse barrel, into which two lateral stitch caps cut. A seven-pointed star with the IHS monogram is painted on the ceiling. The chapel is 2.25 m wide inside and 2.07 m deep.
Alois Carigiet, who in 1942 created a series of pictures worth seeing in the Meierhof rectory during the guard in the 2nd World War, painted above the altar the praying brother Klaus in a brown robe with a rosary, looking westwards. Above his bearded head is the ray sun with chalice and host. On the left behind Brother Klaus you can see in the background the chapel in the Ranft near Flüeli. To the left of the chapel patron is an angel with golden wings, carrying a red flag and a sword, painted as a symbol of the citizen and judge Nikolaus von der Flüe. To the right of the hermit stands a second angel with golden wings with hoe and scythe as a symbol for the farmer Nicholas. The painting is interpreted in such a way that the two angels looking away from St. Brother Klaus carry away his previous duties so that he becomes free and can withdraw as a hermit.
The floor is covered with coarse natural stone slabs. On the white plastered façade there is a Greek cross in the gable field together with the inscription "R. 1949". The projecting gable roof is shingled.

(Recorded by: Regiun Surselva)


Wegstock bei Losisboden, Obersaxen

7134 Obersaxen

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