Tenner Chrüz, Pass mit Weitblick
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Circular hiking route on the sun terrace in the Safiental. Start at the church Tenna (1642m) to the east through the village part Ausserberg, past the first solar ski lift in the world. Follow the signs Flimser Bänkli. At Oberhus, the path becomes narrower and leads comfortably straight ahead through pastures and forest to the Flimserbänkli. Nicely in the shade there is a fireplace here. Now it goes steeply uphill to the Tenner Chrüz, again and again the view of the Vorderrheintal opens up. On the Chrüz a fascinating mountain panorama awaits us, with a wonderful view of the Glarus thrust, today it is called Tectonic Arena Sardona. If you want even more views, take another half hour steep path to the Schlüechtli, Tenner's local mountain.
From Chrüz it goes slightly downhill to the Tenner Alp and through pastures and meadows back to the village of Tenna.
Tenna is easily accessible by post bus, accommodation in the Pension Alpenblick.
See also
Safiental Tourismus
7104 Versam
Tel: 0041 81 630 60 16
E-Mail: " target="_blank">info@safiental.ch
Internet: www.safiental.ch
Also worth seeing are the church of Tenna and the solar ski lift.
Meals and accommodation:
Volg Laden, Mitte, 7106 Tenna
Pension Alpenblick, 7106 Tenna, Tel. 0041 81 645 11 23, www.alpenblick.ch
Pistenbeizli, 7106 Tenna, Tel. 0041 81 645 12 43, www.pistenbeizli.ch
Good hiking boots with a good profile, weather-adapted clothing (rain jacket/sun protection), change of clothes, first aid kit, drink, food, ev. Hiking poles.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
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