Castle Viamala

Obertagstein Castle

Burg Obertagstein

Living with a view - only for those with a head for heights: The rock on which Obertagstein Castle stands drops vertically on all sides.


The fact that someone wanted to build a castle here cannot have been solely due to the beautiful view. It is not known who built here. A noble family with the name von Tagstein is not known. In its first mention in 1322, the castle was still called Taxstein, which suggests a place where badgers live. The old first name Dago could just as easily have been the ancestor. The complex lies behind a mighty shield wall and was built in at least two phases. This suggests that it was inhabited for a longer period of time. Its walls are made of quarry stone, occasionally in opus spicatum. Opus spicatum is a masonry of stones that are arranged in layers on edge, alternating diagonally against each other and thus forming a spike-like pattern.


Obertagstein Castle

Gemeinde Thusis, 7430 Thusis

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