Kronenwanderung: Maighelshütte - Oberalppass

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Early in the morning the sun accompanies along the southeast slopes to Lai da Tuma. Past streams and mountain lakes, you cross a raised bog and reach the source of the Rhine after just one hour. There is enough time to enjoy the peace and quiet at Lake Toma. The rear part of the spring with its meandering tributaries acts like a place of power in nature. Strengthened you leave the source towards the Oberalp Pass. In about 1.5 hours you can reach the pass road and the railway line of the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn.
See also
Surselva Tourismus AG
Bahnhofstrasse 25 7130 Ilanz
Phone: 0041 81 920 11 05
Email: " target="_blank">
Attention: On high-altitude sections, snowfields are possible until the summer months.
In uncertain weather conditions, the tour should not be started. Weather changes in the mountains are frequent. If a rain front or similar comes up during the hike, you should turn back in time.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Regular train connections of the Matterhorn-Gotthard Railway from the Oberalp Pass in the direction of Andermatt or Disentis / Ilanz
Anreise Information
On the pass road to the Oberalp Pass
Plenty of parking spaces on the Oberalp Pass
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