Church Surselva
Church Sogn Balun e Sontga Madleina, Tersnaus

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The church is open from 09.00 - 17.00.
The northeast-facing complex consists of a three-bay Baroque nave without chapels and a choir closed on three sides, which is covered with a combination of a semi-dome and cross vault. The tower with the bells stands on the north-west side of the choir, with the outer wall of the tower running in the extension of the nave.
Apollinaris was the founder of the Christian community in Ravenna, who died a martyr's death as a bishop, probably around 70 AD. The picture in the high altar shows his stoning (2). The two statues depict Mary Magdalene on the left (3) and Apollinaris on the right (4).
On the left-hand side next to the door to the tower, the wall tabernacle created in 1478 with a tracery gable and an iron lattice door catches the eye (5) and the frescoes next to it were only uncovered in 1980. Hans Ardüser painted the two saints Philip and Bartholomew (6), Hans Jakob Greutter added a figure of Christ with a kneeling religious in 1621 (7). The rosary altar with the 15 medallions was painted by Eggert (8) The row of Stations of the Cross on the walls of the nave is striking. They all have old, carved frames (9).
Text and pictures: Walter Müller ( in collaboration with Surselva Tourism
Church Sogn Balun e Sontga Madleina, Tersnaus
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