Church Surselva

Katholische Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit, Danis

Das Foto zeigt die Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit von Innen
Das Foto zeigt die Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit von Innen

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Das Foto zeigt die Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit

First mentioned under Abbot of Castelberg 1581. The chapel, benedicated in 1584, was built by the master builder of Disentis Abbey. No parts from this construction are detectable. The consecration of the new church took place in 1656. Its complete completion in 1658. Construction of St. Anthony's Chapel before 1724.



The uniformly baroque east-facing complex consists of a three-bay nave without side chapels and a recessed, three-sided closed choir, both vaulted by barrels with stab caps. The lighting differs from other Baroque buildings in that simple lunettes also open in the wall zone, i.e. windows that are not upright, dated 1658
. On the choir arch St. Francis and Anthony v.P. and angels, in semi-relief.


High altar has a table retable. The frame is decorated with volutes and angel heads. The tabernacle is a two-storey temple with winding columns, built in 1666. Baptismal font made of red spotted marble. The pulpit in chest form.
In the sacristy stands a late Gothic wooden sculpture of St. Sebastian, a baroque chalice, a white silk casula, around 1730

Bells:Theus Felsberg Bros., 1656, with inscriptions.

The Chapel

St. Anthony of Padua stands at right angles to the church, north of the forecourt. It is a square room covered with twin vaults. The murals, scenes from the life of the titular saint and the Old Testament. The altar from 1724.

From 1995-1996 the parish church, whose renovation of 1960 did not satisfy, was renovated again by the architects Fetz/Ilanz and Franz/Küsnacht/Zurich. The church received four narrow slit windows on the outer walls in the lower part on each side and five oversized rectangular lattice windows with soft painting by Gody Hirschi from Root/LU in the upper part. The ceiling, laid inside like a gable roof with wooden slats, the bright new benches and the floor covered with light stone slabs result in a modern, bright church interior of rare beauty.

The parish church was consecrated on 28 April 1996 by Vitus Huonder, Vicar General of the Diocese of Chur.

(Text recorded by: Regiun Surselva)


Katholische Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit, Danis

Via Principala 41, 7165 Brigels

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