Chapel Surselva

Kapelle St. Anna Valata, Obersaxen

Kapelle St. Anna Valata, Obersaxen
Kapelle St. Anna Valata, Obersaxen

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Kapelle St. Anna Valata, Obersaxen
The chapel in Valata is a popular photo motif thanks to the background panorama.


The building: The nave of the east-facing chapel is almost square, around 1600. Choir and nave vaulted by barrels with stitch caps. Entrance to the west, main window arched. On the gable roof an open roof rider with a slim, octagonal pointed helmet. Modest altarpiece around 1700. Altarpiece from the middle of the 17th century It is iconographically remarkable, as Mary appears twice in a synchronistic way: in the middle as the main character with the Jesus boy, and on the left as a child in the Self-Party group. On the right outside St. Rochus with the angel.Bells with inscriptions, 1743.

(Recorded by: Regiun Surselva)


Kapelle St. Anna Valata, Obersaxen

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