Chapel Surselva

Chapel Nossa Dunna dallas Dolurs, Andiast

Aufnahme der Kapelle Nossa dunna dallas dolurs in Andiast.
The Catholic chapel of Nossa Dunna dallas Dolurs (Our Lady of Sorrows) can be found in the western part of the village of Carnugl above the road in the middle of residential buildings.


According to the inscription, the chapel was built in 1736 thanks to a donation from Durisch Capaul. According to the dated altar stone, it was renovated in 1883. During the 1988 renovation, the chapel was given a new floor and new seating. The last renovation took place in 1993.

The chancel faces north-west, is recessed, closed on three sides and raised by one step. It is vaulted with a combination of a barrel vault and a dome with two lateral spandrels. A simple stucco cornice rests on narrow pilasters. On the ceiling is a stucco medallion with the inscription: in thanks and in memory of the chapel's donor.

On the side walls of the choir are two high rectangular latticed windows with arched reveals. The altar has a beautiful antependium with a depiction of the Pietà (dated 1752). The figures are surrounded by flower tendrils. On the mensa is a predella with a table crucifix and altar candles. At the front of the upper step of the perdella are two offset pedestals on the outside. On these are a total of four twisted, blue ionized columns, entwined with gold foliage and with gilded capitals at the top.

In the round-arched altar niche, which is closed at the top, there is a statuette of the Madonna Dolorosa in a blue and gold dress, her chest pierced by a sword. In the altar structure, a golden heart can be seen in the acanthus foliage and two seated baroque angels on the outside.

On each long side, two engraved caps cut into the ceiling, and a picture painted by Linus Flepp of Disentis in 1993 can be seen in a rounded medallion. It depicts the event that led to the construction of the chapel: Durisch Capaul, the founder of the chapel, is saved from a snowstorm by the help of the Virgin Mary.

(Text recorded by: Regiun Surselva)


Chapel Nossa Dunna dallas Dolurs, Andiast

7159 Andiast

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