Chapel Disentis Sedrun

Kapelle Muttergottes von Lourdes, Clavadi

Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle Muttergottes von Lourdes
The chapel "Nossadunna da Lourdes" is slightly elevated in the middle of the fraction Clavadi. The chapel was built in 1899 and inaugurated on August 15, 1903. In the same year, the Stations of the Cross along the old road from Sumvitg to Clavadi were also consecrated. Since the finances were scarce, the citizens took as much as possible everything by themselves and made the construction possible mainly in fron work. In 1965 the chapel was renovated.


On July 23, 1986, a fire after a lightning strike destroyed the roof of the chapel including roof turrets and bells. On September 6, 1987, the three new bells and the renovated church were consecrated. The chapel faces north. The choir of the church is raised by four steps and covered with a ridged cross vault. The roof rider rises on the gable roof of the chapel above the entrance and is crowned with a raised hood with ball and cross. The three bells ring in it.
At the back of the choir, instead of a main altar, is the beautifully designed Lourdes Grotto made of native tuff. These were transported from Laus to Clavadi. On the left choir shoulder wall there is a statue of the Heart of Jesus and on the right choir shoulder wall a statue of St. Joseph with the Child Jesus.


Kapelle Muttergottes von Lourdes, Clavadi

Clavadi, 7175 Sumvitg

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