Event Chur

Introductory course for the organization and moderation of storytelling cafés

Einführungskurs für die Organisation und Moderation von Erzählcafés (gdl_547903785_image)
At moderated storytelling cafés, people exchange their life stories and experiences. The introductory course shows the basics of organizing and moderating storytelling cafés.


16.09.2025 von 13:30 bis 16:30 Uhr
Participation in the introductory course is free of charge.
Senior Center Rigahaus

At moderated storytelling cafés, people exchange their life stories and experiences and thus strengthen social cohesion. Talking about life, listening to others and laughing together. Participating in a storytelling café is a particularly inspiring experience – and incidentally a low-threshold offer for a

Would you like to organize and moderate storytelling cafés yourself? In the introductory course, you will learn the first basics. For example, how you can break the ice and encourage people you don't know to tell your story. The introductory course will also present the three-day training course, which is expected to take place in 2026. In the training course, you will receive the tools to competently conduct storytelling cafés yourself in the future.

The introductory course is aimed at all those who would like to offer storytelling cafés themselves in the future and are considering completing the training course. Persons residing in Graubünden have priority to take part in the introductory course. Interested parties from outside are welcome to register, but they will not be informed until 26 August 2025 whether participation is guaranteed or not.

Tuesday, 16 September 2025, 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm.

Senior Citizens' Centre Rigahaus, Gürtelstrasse 90, 7000 Chur

Natalie Freitag, Network Storytelling Café

Participation in the introductory course is free of charge.

The course is organised in cooperation between benevol Graubünden, the Graubünden health department and the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Grisons.


Senior Center Rigahaus

Gürtelstrasse 90, 7000 Chur

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