Museum Viamala

Exhibition of shell stones in the Viamala region

Ausstellung Schalensteine in der Region Viamala
In the exhibition created by Anselmo Gadola, visitors can learn a lot of interesting facts about the mysterious rocks and stones in the region: do they serve as calendars, maps or other means of communication?


On a rock formed by glaciers in the Arsiert, south of Bärenburg, artificial stone carvings from prehistoric times also cast a spell over the modern mind. A demonstrable regularity, dependent on the annual course of the sun, suggests a calendrical order. Step by step, a sun symbol is created, embedded in a circular hexagon. Derived from the course of the sun, the regional landscape and new shell stone locations can then be read from a prehistoric coordinate grid.

Anselmo Gadola's private exhibition focuses on the bowl and sign stones in Schams, Avers and Rheinwald as witnesses to a cult-astronomical regularity dependent on the annual course of the sun. Mystical and enigmatic at the same time.


1 May - 31 October daily 10.00 - 18.00. From 1 November - 30 April, individual tours are possible by prior arrangement. Guided tours are available on request all year round.


Exhibition of shell stones in the Viamala region

Anselmo Gadola, 7440 Bärenburg

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