Chapel Disentis Sedrun

Chapel of St. Lawrence and Sebastian, Laus

Kapelle in Laus
Chapel of St. Lawrence and Sebastian, Laus


History: The first building was completed in 1587. Consecration in honour of St. Lawrence and St. Sebastian, 1592.  This chapel was apparently completely demolished by the Capuchins and replaced by a new building, 1695. Building description: Chapel facing east, which vaults over the choir with a barrel. Above the ship is a plaster ceiling, also in barrel form. Arched windows and doors. Saddle roof with a turret crowned by an octagonal pointed helmet. Equipment: The three altars (made of wood) were built around 1695 when the building was built. The high altar forms a concave aedicule with two pairs of sinuous columns. Altarpiece of St. Lawrence and Francis. The two side altars are adapted to the high altar. Bells: With inscriptions, 1736 and 1855, Grasmayr Feldkirch.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

By train from Lucerne over the Oberalp Pass or from Zurich via Chur to the train station Sumvitg - Surrein. On foot 1 hour


By car from Lucerne over the Oberalp Pass or from Zurich via Chur to Sumvitg. Junction to Cumpadials and Laus

The Oberalp Pass is closed to car traffic in winter.


Parking near the chapel


Chapel of St. Lawrence and Sebastian, Laus

Laus, 7173 Sumvitg

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