Bocchetta di Forcola – Bocchetta di Pedenolo – Val Mora: Singletrailgarantie und Spuren des 1. Weltkrieges

46 km
5:00 h
802 Hm
1941 Hm

With the shuttle to the Umbrail Pass and on fun single trails and military trails from the First World War in the high alpine mountains. Over the high valley Val Mora it goes back to Val Vau and partly on single trails down to St. Maria Val Müstair. Brilliant mountain bike tour with trail guarantee in a fantastic mountain world.

Technik /6
Kondition 4/6
Höchster Punkt  2757 m
Tiefster Punkt  1379 m
Beste Jahreszeit
PostBus stop «Umbrailpass»
PostBus stop «Sta. Maria, posta»
46.541277, 10.432995



Downhill-oriented mountain bike tour with crisp single trails at the heart of Route 32 Trans-Altarezia Bike. Thanks to the shuttle option to the Umbrail Pass, you can save the ascent with around 1000 meters of altitude on the Umbrail Pass road and enjoy the long descents on the single trails to the fullest.

From the Umbrail Pass (2501 m above sea level) you can reach the Bocchetta di Forcula at 2768 m above sea level on an easily passable single trail, where you can marvel at old military installations from the First World War. After a short downhill, it is worth climbing to Bocchetta di Pedenolo (2704 m above sea level) and then tackling the descent to Lago di Cancano on the flowing single trail. Along the lakes Lago di Cancano and Lago di San Giacomo di Fraéle, you drive on a wide gravel road in the middle of the alpine landscape to the Passo di Fraéle and then reach the Passo Val Mora (1934 m above sea level), the portal to Switzerland.

Up to Palüetta (2009 m above sea level) you ride on an easily passable single trail and then reach a forest road that leads through the picturesque Val Mora up to Döss Radond at 2234 m above sea level. The scenic beauty of the Val Mora makes this long but not steep climb a delight.

From Döss Radond, right next to the forest road, some exciting and secret single trails lead back to Sta. Maria.

Alternatively, the tour can be tackled by bikers who are very strong in terms of fitness as a round trip from Sta. Maria.


The tour was evaluated in favorable weather conditions, the current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be observed before the start of the tour.

This tour requires a high degree of driving safety, balance and driving skills.

Emergency call:

144 Emergency call, first aid

1414 Mountain Rescue REGA

112 International Emergency Call

Be considerate when crossing and overtaking hikers
Most of the Graubünden mountain bike routes run on single trails, which are also signposted as hiking trails. Hikers always have the right of way.


Helmet, gloves, good footwear, glasses, rain and sun protection, water bottle, repair kit, bandages


Umbrail Pass – Boccheta di Forcula – Bocchetta di Pedenolo – Grasso di Solena – Passo di Fraéle – Passo Val Mora – Döss Radond – Sta. Maria


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Engadine) hourly to Zernez.
  • By PostBus (from Zernez and Mals) every hour to the PostBus stop Sta. Maria Posta.
  • Continue by PostBus (from Sta. Maria Val Müstair, posta) to the Umbrailpass stop.

Important notes:

  • PostBus departure times: 4 July – 13 Sept (daily); 16 Sept – 11 Oct (Saturdays and Sundays only)
  • Mandatory seat reservation by 7.00 p.m. the evening before at the latest. The reservation is free of charge. There are no additional courses between Stelvio and Tirano
  • Mandatory reservation by phone at +41 81 858 51 66.

Anreise Information

  • From the north: via Landquart – Klosters by car through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or over the Flüela Pass and the Ofen Pass into Val Müstair to Sta. Maria.
  • From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of St. Moritz on H27 to Zernez and then over the Ofenpass into Val Müstair to Sta. Maria.
  • From the south: via Reschen Pass (Nauders-Martina) to Val Müstair to Sta. Maria

By Sta. Maria can be reached by PostBus (PostBus line 90.821 Tirano–Bormio–Stelvio–Sta. Maria Val Müstair–Müstair) on the Umbrail Pass.


  • Free parking in Sta. Maria opposite the school building.

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