Event Davos Klosters

Being Thomas Mann

Being Thomas Mann (gdl_795491647_image)
An immersive menu


18.07.2025 von 18:00 bis 22:30 Uhr
Waldhotel Davos

An immersive menu.



An immersive menu

Waldhotel Davos / VR-Experience by RAUM+ZEIT

The dining room of the former lung sanatorium Dr. Jessen: You are invited to a four-course menu with a very special guest. It is none other than Thomas Mann who invented the world-famous "Magic Mountain" here. Get to know the author's world of thought with the digital medium of virtual reality and dive deeper into the world of the Zauberberg characters with every walk. What is fantasy, what is reality?

The art collective Raum + Zeit, which already caused a sensation with the VR installation IM ZAUBERBERG in the Waldhotel, continues its examination of the author Thomas Mann at the place of origin of one of his most important works. BEING THOMAS MANN is once again opening artistic doors by combining culinary delights with art to create a new, exciting theatre format.

With: Michael Benthin, Judith Hofmann, Sophie Hutter, Peter Jecklin

Menu Waldhotel Davos

360° realization SPACE+TIME

This production is being prepared especially for the 100th anniversary of the publication of Thomas Mann's famous novel and will be performed at the Waldhotel. Don't miss out on this truly unique experience.

The premiere will take place on July 25, 2024. Further performances are scheduled for Friday, August 16, Saturday, September 14, and Friday, October 4, 2024.

In 2025, the year in which we commemorate Thomas Mann's 150th birthday, 3 - 4 more performances are planned.

Schedule: Meeting point at 6:00 p.m. at the Ignis Bar & Lounge. From 6.30 p.m. change to our restaurant Atrium, or to the dining room of the forest sanatorium anno 1912. End approx. 10.30 p.m.

Price per person CHF 125 incl. aperitif, exquisite 4-course menu and staging.Drinks with dinner are not included.

Participation is only possible with prior reservation. The number of seats is limited. Reservations will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

CHF 135.- Seat



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